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Grapes Business School Teamwork
  Values. NewLevel Group is a values-driven consulting firm that supports the work of socially responsible organizations and their leaders in advancing missions that benefit people, planet, and profits.
5 Tips to Boosting Workplace Creativity
Looking for ways to inject a little creative thinking into your day-to-day activities at the office? Here are a few tips to try...
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Pick Your Passion with ArtistWorks!
AW_logoArtistWorks, based in Napa CA, provides a unique learning experience in the arts with help from NewLevel Group back office support. Need to improve your skills on the guitar or flute? Want to learn how to paint? How about vocal instruction? Dying to DJ?

Toniic - 100% Impact Investing
Toniic_logo Toniic, a valued NLG client, recently completed a conference in New York; Toniic 100% Impact Annual Global Gathering Read more...

NewLevel Group Re-Certified as Green Business
Green_business_logoIn 2007, NewLevel Group became the first office in Napa County to be certified as a Green Business by Napa County,

Redefine Success in Business
B stands for Benefit. A B Corporation is a new type of company that combines social and environmental impact missions driven by sound financial decisions and profit. B Corps attract and engage employees with passion and purpose, impact legislation, contribute to communities, and partner with other B Corps. Companies interested in B Corp certification are urged to visit to learn more. Read more...

All Girls Can Play
Nepal.KatharineRobertson.resize We're joining the #AllGirlsCanPlay initiative with One World Play Project to empower girls to reach their full potential through play. Support the movement today:
All Girls Can Play.

RecycleForce: After Life in Prison
"I was one of those generations of kids that was lost in the system. You look around and there's really no programs to help you. The good thing about RecycleForce is that they are saying, "You want to do better, so here are the tools." - Mr. John Rowell, employee Read more...

What do Sting and Soccer Have in Common?
In just three short years since the project was officially launched, the One World Play Project™ has reached more than 160 countries through hundreds of organizations, bringing the healing power of play to an estimated 21 million youth worldwide. Read more...

Baby Buggy “Love. Recycled.”
Baby Buggy recently announced a new benefit t-shirt with Jessica Simpson and Macy’s to help those in need. Each t-shirt is $20 and all proceeds go to the efforts put out by Baby Buggy. Read more about this great company and their programs helping to make the life of families better. Read more...

Mal Warwick Announces the revised Third Edition to his book to Write Successful Fundraising Letters
This book was designed to allow companies an updated and greater reaching approach to fundraising. Mal has spent numerous hours re-evaluating and upgrading to his latest version so that the very best and successful techniques and tips are available to you. See the letter Mal has sent out to get a deal on this great addition to your business. Read more...

Chevrolet Celebrates Future of Football Through Partnership with One World Futbol Project
Chevrolet pledges 1.5 million footballs as part of three-year agreement that will enable the One World Futbol Project to provide ‘virtually indestructible’ footballs to impoverished regions worldwide. Read more...

ArtistWorks offers students personalized feedback from the best teachers in their field
Artist Works has partnered with NewLevel Group to provide customer support for their Video Exchange LearningTM students. Read more...

Politicians would be lousy business people
Washington Post, Jan 5, 2012 Politicians often remark that our country must be run more like a business. They are right. But the choices some of these politicians make suggest that they would be lousy businessmen.

LOHAS Conference, Boulder, CO
Does your organization’s fundraising strategy consist of “we need some money, let’s go get some”? Do you lose eye contact with board members whenever the subject of asking for donations comes up? Read more...

Napa planners approve new hours for di Rosa
Good news for longtime NewLevel Group client the di Rosa gallery and nature preserve, which will soon be able to open its doors on weekends for the first time.   Read more...

NLG offers expanded back office support services
Did you know that NewLevel Group has highly skilled and experienced financial and administrative personnel who provide our clients with back-office services for accounting, administrative support, and operations?

Hawaii, Endangered Species Capital of the World.
Despite its abundant beauty and renowned tropical setting, Hawaii is the endangered species capital of the world, with hundreds of plants and animals, including more than 30 species of birds, listed as endangered or threatened.  

Using Design for Better Health
Patient safety is the topic when the Center for Health Design, working in partnership with Facility Guidelines Institute, and with funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, brings together healthcare specialists and experts at Virtua Health's newest medical facility in Voorhees, NJ. Read more...

Merging Early Childhood Education Programs
Three years after a merger between a successful Head Start program and a local government subsidized child care agency, the Children’s Learning Center in Jackson Hole, WY needed to refresh its strategies and re-focus its board. Read more...

Fundraising Support for South American University
NewLevel Group recently completed a comprehensive fundraising plan for one of the top private universities in Bogota, Columbia.

Family Resource Centers Build Collaboration
Three of Napa County’s Family Resource Centers have joined forces to explore ways to work together to deliver more services at lower cost.

Social Service Agencies Explore Community Philanthropy
A Jackson Hole, WY collaborative of nonprofit organizations providing critical safety net services is conducting a study of major donor perceptions and preferences.

Napa River Restoration Coordination Project Starts Phase 2
Napa County and the Napa Resource Conservation District continue efforts to coordinate restoration of important stretches of Napa River Habitat.

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Changing Culture for Sustainability. The organizations that will be the most successful in implementing sustainable practices will be those capable of bringing about rapid and long-lasting change internally.  Read more...
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Bay Area Green Business Social Venture Network All Girl Can play

Photography by Avis Mandel, Suzanne Becker Bronk, and Sally Seymour

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