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NewLevel Group

June, 2008

Communication, or the lack thereof, can make or break an organization—be it nonprofit, government, or business.  Great communicators stand apart from the crowd.  They grab our attention, persuade us, inspire us, and make lasting impressions. 

One such visionary is Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple.  According to an article in BusinessWeek, the key to his success as a communicator is his nearly messianic zeal to change the world. In 1983, Jobs turned to 44-year-old Pepsi President John Sculley and asked: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?"  Jobs’ best communication asset?  Create and articulate a bold vision.

We can all learn to communicate more effectively by taking our cues from these charismatic leaders.  Here are a few more tips from some of the experts:

  • Jack Welch (GE): Eliminate jargon
  • Meg Whitman (eBay): Seek feedback
  • John Chambers (Cisco): Review and rehearse your presentation
  • David Neeleman (JetBlue Airways): Tell tales that inspire
  • Howard Schultz (Starbucks): Identify and share what you're passionate about

To discover more about how to use the latest in communication tools to improve your impact, check out Lisa Toller’s article: “Do You Know Your I-pod from Your IM?”

The NewLevel Group Team

In this issue:

Green is the New Conference

Do You Know Your I-pod from Your IM?

NewLevel Group Joins Social Venture Network

Green is the New Conference

There’s no doubt about it, green is going mainstream and meeting planners for the smallest organizations on up to the Democratic and Republican national conventions are demanding sustainable alternatives to standard conference production practices.


Do You Know Your I-pod from Your IM?

Webinars, podcasts, instant messaging, viral distribution, blogs, social bookmarking, My Space, Face Book, You Tube, Web 2.0 – do you feel like you’ve landed on a different planet?


NewLevel Group Joins Social Venture Network

John Heymann was recently selected to join other leading CEOs, investors, and social entrepreneurs from around the world who have made a significant impact on the environmental and social challenges facing the planet.


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